
What are your employees saying about your business?

By 2nd September 2019 August 18th, 2022 No Comments

Wouldn’t it be perfect if absolutely everyone in your teams spoke about your company in glowing terms all the time? Can you imagine that whenever your admin assistant was at a party and someone asked, “Where do you work?” they responded with, “Only for the best company in the world.”

I was on Facebook and saw an update from a guy who had started a new job. He was clearly still in that glowing honeymoon period where he wanted to shout from the roof tops about how happy he was. His status update read along the lines of:

“You know when you finally find the perfect job, working with the perfect people and you can see yourself staying for years…..that.”

Underneath his post, as you might imagine, was a whole raft of congratulatory messages, people asking about the job and most importantly people asking where he worked. Who is this mysterious company that our friend speaks so highly of? What magical employee engagement tactics do they use? I wonder if they treat customers like they treat staff? I MUST FIND OUT.

On the other hand, we all know people who have complained about where they work and who they work for. “I hate my job,” and “I wouldn’t work there, I’ve heard….” Is perhaps a typical response you might see get when face to face.

Every so often people take to Facebook (always seems to be the way) to vent their anger about their job. “Does anyone know of any jobs out there,” or “I need a new job, sick of what I do.”  How often do these conversations take place and how damaging can they be to your brands reputation, especially in a localised marketplace?

Marketing through your people should be fundamental practice for any business. To this end marketing and employee engagement are inextricably linked. As the leader of a business how aware are you of what your staff say about you in the community? What can you do to improve this so that when conversations take place, or Facebook updates go out, your business gets the best representation possible?

If your employees aren’t feeling the love for your business, is this being reflected in the service that they are giving to your customers? 

We all enjoy doing business with people who love what they do. I personally choose to spend my time (and money) with businesses who value not just their customers but also their employees.