Customer Journey Mapping Workbook


Customer Journey Mapping, helps you to analyse each stage of the customer journey, before, during and after the sale.

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This easy to follow Customer Journey Mapping workbook has been created from my years of working with businesses of all sizes from owner managed businesses to UK offices of global companies. Customer Journey Mapping, helps you to analyse each stage of the customer journey, before, during and after the sale. You may have stumbling blocks, out of date information/unclear information or even processes that just don’t make sense to your customer. This workbook starts you thinking about the various ways that a potential customer may find out about your business (A) then guides you to start mapping out ONE of the customer journeys, from that initial discovery of your business through to them turning into a customer (B) and covering the all important after sales too.

Whilst it is just over 20 pages in total if you put in the effort to work through each page and take action you will see an increase in sales and a decrease in customer complaints.